Results for 'Włodzimierz Andrzej Rostocki'

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  1.  15
    Lüders deformation and superplastic flow of metals extruded by KOBO method.Andrzej Korbel & Włodzimierz Bochniak - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (15):1883-1913.
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    Logika dla inżynierów.Andrzej Włodzimierz Mostowski - 1970 - Warszawa,: Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe. Edited by Zdzisław Pawlak.
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  3. Badania nad historią filozofii przyrody i historią nauki.Janusz MĄCZKA, Włodzimierz Skoczny, Andrzej Koleżyński, Paweł Polak, Maria Karolczak, Dorota SIEŃKO & Małgorzata Stawarz - 2012 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce (50).
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    Człowiek świadomością istnienia: prace ofiarowane prof. dr. hab. Andrzejowi L. Zachariszowi.Włodzimierz Zięba, Krzysztof Jerzy Kilian & Andrzej L. Zachariasz (eds.) - 2009 - Rzeszów: Wydawn. Uniwerstytetu Rzeszowskiego.
  5.  44
    Imperialism and nationalism.Paweł Rojek - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):447-461.
    Is Russia a neoimperial or postimperial state? In this paper, I compare two interpretations proposed by political commentators Marcel Van Herpen and Dmitri Trenin. Van Herpen holds that the Russian empire is literally being rebuilt, whereas Trenin believes that Russia is just ceasing to be an empire. I argue that, contrary to popular belief, the current war against Ukraine cannot be interpreted as an attempt to restore the Russian empire. This is because being an empire requires a universalistic ideology that (...)
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  6. Foundations and current problems of general relativity (notes by graham dixon, petros florides and gerald lemmer).Andrzej Trautman - 1965 - In A. Trautman, Lectures on general relativity. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall. pp. 1--1.
  7.  37
    Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy: Volume I Context and Considerations.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Ageing populations are a major consideration for socio-economic development in the early twenty first century. This demographic change is mainly seen as a threat rather than as an opportunity to improve the quality of human life, especially in Europe, where ageing has resulted in a reduction in economic competitiveness. Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy mixes the silver economy, the creative economy, and the social economy to construct positive solutions for an ageing population. Klimczuk covers theoretical analyses and case study (...)
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  8. Undecidability without Arithmetization.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (2):163-230.
    In the present paper the well-known Gödels – Churchs argument concerning the undecidability of logic (of the first order functional calculus) is exhibited in a way which seems to be philosophically interestingfi The natural numbers are not used. (Neither Chinese Theorem nor other specifically mathematical tricks are applied.) Only elementary logic and very simple set-theoretical constructions are put into the proof. Instead of the arithmetization I use the theory of concatenation (formalized by Alfred Tarski). This theory proves to be an (...)
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  9. Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population.Andrzej Klimczuk & Łukasz Tomczyk (eds.) - 2020 - Frontiers Media.
    In recent years we may observe increasing interest in the development of social innovation both regarding theory as well as the practice of responding to social problems and challenges. One of the crucial challenges at the beginning of the 21st century is population ageing. Various new and innovative initiatives, programs, schemes, and projects to respond to negative consequences of this demographic process are emerging around the world. However, social theories related to ageing are still insufficiently combined with these new practices, (...)
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  10. The Silver Economy as a Constructive Response in Public Policy on Aging.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2021 - In Ivana Barković Bojanić & Aleksandar Erceg, Strategic Approach to Aging Population: Experiences and Challenges. J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek. pp. 19-35.
    The paper presents the concept of the "silver economy" as an economic system related to population aging and underlines the features of this policy idea. The study first introduces the discourse and stages of constructing this system by international and national public policy actors in aging. Next, a critical analysis of the dimensions and areas of implementation and development of the silver economy as a policy concept was carried out as well as a review of its external and internal limitations. (...)
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  11. Kapitał społeczny ludzi starych na przykładzie mieszkańców miasta Białystok.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2012 - Wiedza I Edukacja.
    "Kapitał społeczny ludzi starych na przykładzie mieszkańców miasta Białystok" to książka oparta na analizach teoretycznych i empirycznych, która przedstawia problem diagnozowania i używania kapitału społecznego ludzi starych w procesach rozwoju lokalnego i regionalnego. Kwestia ta jest istotna ze względu na zagrożenia i wyzwania związane z procesem szybkiego starzenia się społeczeństwa polskiego na początku XXI wieku. Opracowanie stanowi próbę sformułowania odpowiedzi na pytania: jaki jest stan kapitału społecznego ludzi starych mieszkających w Białymstoku, jakim ulega przemianom i jakie jest jego zróżnicowanie? Ludzie (...)
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    Free Logics are Cut-Free.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (4):859-886.
    The paper presents a uniform proof-theoretic treatment of several kinds of free logic, including the logics of existence and definedness applied in constructive mathematics and computer science, and called here quasi-free logics. All free and quasi-free logics considered are formalised in the framework of sequent calculus, the latter for the first time. It is shown that in all cases remarkable simplifications of the starting systems are possible due to the special rule dealing with identity and existence predicate. Cut elimination is (...)
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  13.  38
    An outline of mathematical logic: fundamental results and notions explained with all details.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 1974 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    Recent years have seen the appearance of many English-language hand books of logic and numerous monographs on topical discoveries in the foundations of mathematics. These publications on the foundations of mathematics as a whole are rather difficult for the beginners or refer the reader to other handbooks and various piecemeal contribu tions and also sometimes to largely conceived "mathematical fol klore" of unpublished results. As distinct from these, the present book is as easy as possible systematic exposition of the now (...)
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  14. Pieces of mereology.Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2005 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 14 (2):211-234.
    In this paper† we will treat mereology as a theory of some structures that are not axiomatizable in an elementary langauge and we will use a variable rangingover the power set of the universe of the structure). A mereological structure is an ordered pair M = hM,⊑i, where M is a non-empty set and ⊑is a binary relation in M, i.e., ⊑ is a subset of M × M. The relation ⊑ isa relation of being a mereological part . We (...)
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  15. Editorial: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. A Sociological Perspective.Andrzej Klimczuk, Grzegorz Piotr Gawron, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska & Piotr Toczyski - 2024 - Frontiers in Sociology 9.
    This Research Topic explores the ninth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation, particularly in the context of post-COVID-19 pandemic recovery. The pandemic significantly impacted the manufacturing sector, leading to a global production drop, job losses, and disrupted supply chains, with less technology-intensive industries taking longer to regain ground. Despite these challenges, the United Nations highlights opportunities to enhance industrialization and technology distribution, emphasizing, among other things, the need to (...)
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  16. Bariery i perspektywy integracji miȩdzypokoleniowej we współczesnej Polsce.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2010 - In Dorota Kałuża & Piotr Szukalski, Jakość życia seniorów w XXI wieku z perspektywy polityki społecznej. Wydawnictwo Biblioteka. pp. 92--107.
    Civic non-participation in public life is one of the most important problems in contemporary Poland. This phenomenon makes all generations equal and it requires breaking of the barriers in intergenerational integration. Presented study shows that the aspiration for coherence and stability of the system may be based on the taking advantage by using benefits of age difference in society. Article indicates dimensions and levels in seeking quality solutions for the integration in conditions of shaping social dispersion space order. It also (...)
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    (1 other version)On finitely based consequence operations.Andrzej Wroński - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (4):453 - 458.
  18.  23
    Foundational studies: selected works.Andrzej Mostowski - 1979 - New York: sole distributor for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland. Edited by Kazimierz Kuratowski.
  19. Editorial: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 11: sustainable cities and communities. A sociological perspective.Andrzej Klimczuk, Delali A. Dovie, Agnieszka Ciesla, Rubal Kanozia, Grzegorz Gawron & Piotr Toczyski - 2024 - Frontiers in Sociology 9:1428324.
    This Research Topic addresses the eleventh Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which is to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” Several individual targets and indicators measure progress toward this goal. Researchers study, among others, urban inclusion, the influence of urban policy on socioeconomic disparities, and gentrification. This Research Topic primarily addresses the challenges and complexities of sustainable urban planning and development concerning decent work, economic growth, and associated crises due to their significant impact on urban living.
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  20. Editorial: On Poverty and Its Eradication.Andrzej Klimczuk, Guillermina Jasso, Mariah D. R. Evans & Jonathan Kelley - 2024 - Frontiers in Sociology 9:1487220.
    The Research Topic “On poverty and its eradication” was inspired by the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, first commemorated in Paris in 1987 and formally designated by the United Nations. This day is dedicated to renewing the commitment to universal human development, enabling all individuals to achieve their highest potential, and reflecting on how poverty hinders this progress. The urgency of addressing poverty has increased after the COVID-19 pandemic, which exacerbated existing issues and highlighted the critical need for (...)
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  21. Eksperci i narcyzm kulturowy - próba analizy wzajemnych relacji.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2011 - In Narcyzm: Jednostka--Społeczeństwo--Kultura. Uwb. pp. 218--255.
    At the beginning of the XXI century, human societies are entering a period of "late modernity" characterized by new forms of trust and risk, untransparent social situations and economic, political and cultural globalization. These processes are associated with the presence of abstract systems that surround people and which require support of people with expertise in the fields which include transport, telecommunications, finance, security, media, energy. At the same time, it is noted that the expertise cult is born and specialists not (...)
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    Borel sets without perfectly many overlapping translations, III.Andrzej Rosłanowski & Saharon Shelah - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (6):103565.
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  23. Editorial: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty. A Sociological Perspective.Andrzej Klimczuk, Grzegorz Piotr Gawron & Piotr Toczyski - 2024 - Frontiers in Sociology 9.
    This Research Topic focuses on the first Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) by the UN, which aims to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere.” Progress toward this goal is evaluated through various targets and indicators. The most recent SDG progress report highlighted how poverty reduction has significantly slowed and worsened, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic (United Nations, 2024). This unprecedented emergency has particularly affected informal workers, young people, and women. With the goal of eradicating poverty by 2030 currently off (...)
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  24. Editorial: Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. A Sociological Perspective.Andrzej Klimczuk, Delali A. Dovie, Minela Kerla, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska & Piotr Toczyski - 2024 - Frontiers in Sociology 9:1487233.
    This Research Topic explores Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) eight, which is to “promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.” It highlights the COVID-19 pandemic’s severe impact and triggered global economic recession, worsened gender pay gaps, increased undeclared employment, and significantly raised unemployment (United Nations, 2024). From a sociology-specific perspective, this Research Topic examines the global and local implementation of SDG8, its adaptation to different geographical contexts, stakeholder involvement, and issues related to (...)
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  25. Korzyści, szanse i zagrożenia w realizacji idei medialabu.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2010 - In Digitalizacja Dziedzictwa. Fundacja Ortus. pp. 15--18.
    More Info: M. Filiciak, A. Tarkowski, A. Jałosińska, A. Klimczuk, M. Rynarzewski, J.M. Seweryn, G.D. Stunża, M. Wilkowski, A. Orlik, Digitalizacja dziedzictwa (Digitisation of Heritage), Fundacja Ortus, Warszawa 2010.
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  26. Craig's interpolation theorem in some extended systems of logic.Andrzej Mostowski - 1968 - In B. van Rootselaar & Frits Staal, Logic, methodology and philosophy of science III. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 87--103.
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    On the concept of categoricity.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 1962 - Studia Logica 13 (1):39 - 66.
  28. Solidarność pokoleń w perspektywie strategicznej państwa.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - In Adam Kubów & Joanna Szczepaniak-Sienniak, Polityka Rodzinna a Polityka Rynku Pracy W Kontekście Zmian Demograficznych. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego We Wrocławiu. pp. 190--205.
    Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie koncepcji solidarności pokoleń w kontekście wyzwań procesu starzenia się ludności na początku XXI wieku. Utrzymanie pozbawionych konfliktów relacji pokoleniowych jest kwestią wymagającą wspólnych interwencji podmiotów publicznych, komercyjnych i pozarządowych. Dlatego też w opracowaniu, po omówieniu znaczeń pojęcia pokolenie i typów relacji międzypokoleniowych, zostaną wskazane modele polityki relacji międzypokoleniowych. Opis uwzględnia działania na poziomie międzynarodowym, krajowym oraz regionalnym i lokalnym. W dalszej części analizie poddane zostaną główne założenia działań na rzecz solidarności pokoleniowej z wybranych dokumentów projektu cywilizacyjnego (...)
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  29. Comparative Analysis of National and Regional Models of the Silver Economy in the European Union.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2016 - International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 10 (2):31--59.
    The approach to analysing population ageing and its impacts on the economy has evolved in recent years. There is increasing interest in the development and use of products and services related to gerontechnology as well as other social innovations that may be considered as central parts of the "silver economy." However, the concept of silver economy is still being formed and requires detailed research. This article proposes a typology of models of the silver economy in the European Union at the (...)
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    Constructible sets with applications.Andrzej Mostowski - 1969 - Warszawa,: PWN--Polish Scientific Publishers.
  31.  42
    Universality of the closure space of filters in the algebra of all subsets.Andrzej W. Jankowski - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (1):1 - 9.
    In this paper we show that some standard topological constructions may be fruitfully used in the theory of closure spaces (see [5], [4]). These possibilities are exemplified by the classical theorem on the universality of the Alexandroff's cube for T 0-closure spaces. It turns out that the closure space of all filters in the lattice of all subsets forms a generalized Alexandroff's cube that is universal for T 0-closure spaces. By this theorem we obtain the following characterization of the consequence (...)
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    An Undecidable Arithmetical Statement.Andrzej Mostowski - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):118-119.
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    Society of self: The emergence of collective properties in self-structure.Andrzej Nowak, Robin R. Vallacher, Abraham Tesser & Wojciech Borkowski - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (1):39-61.
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  34. Core-Periphery Model.Andrzej Klimczuk & Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska - 2018 - In Scott Romaniuk, Manish Thapa & Péter Marton, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies. Springer Verlag. pp. 1--8.
    Core-periphery imbalances and regional disparities figure prominently on the agenda of several disciplines, which result from their enormous impact on economic and social development around the world. In sociology, international relations, and economics, this concept is crucial in explanations of economic exchange. There are few countries that play a dominant role in world trade, while most countries have a secondary or even a tertiary position in world trade. Moreover, when we are discussing global, continental, regional, and national economies, we can (...)
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  35. Wiekizm jako przeszkoda w budowie społeczeństwa m¸adrości.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2009 - In Aleksander Kobylarek, Wspólnota I Różnica. Interdyscyplinarne Studia, Analizy I Rozprawy. Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek. pp. 344--360.
    Attitudes towards elder people in society depend on the pace of its technological and economical development. Fast changes not only encourage discrimination on the ground of age but also blur the perception of both individual and collective benefits from the extension of life length. This article emphasizes the necessity of finding new ideas of elders’ active social participation. Furthermore it points out the conceptions of creating city areas that favor development and integration of all age groups. It underlines the significance (...)
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  36.  76
    Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume Ii: Putting Theory Into Practice.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2016 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book shows that global population ageing is an opportunity to improve the quality of human life rather than a threat to economic competitiveness and stability. It describes the concept of the creative ageing policy as a mix of the silver economy, the creative economy, and the social and solidarity economy for older people. The second volume of Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy focuses on the public policy and management concepts related to the use of the opportunities that are (...)
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  37. Analysis of Intergenerational Policy Models.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 3 (1):66--69.
    Contemporary demographic processes forcing increasing attention to the problems of relationships and dependencies between the different age groups. The ageing of the population in each society leads to changes in the contacts between young people, adults and the elderly. It is reasonable to undertake research on the concept of "solidarity of generations". Maintaining relationships without generational conflict requires actions in the field of social policy known as intergenerational policy. Aim of this article is to present some of its models, which (...)
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  38. Universities of the Third Age in Poland. Emerging Model for 21st Century.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences 1 (2):8--14.
    Main objective of this paper is to describe emergence of a Polish Universities of the Third Age model. These are a multidisciplinary non-formal education centers, which allow formation of positive responses to the challenges of an ageing population. Article indicates main organizational changes of these institutions conditioned by internal and external factors. Essay describes transformation, differentiation factors, and characteristics of these institutions for elderly based on a critical analysis of literature.
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    Axiom of Choice for Finite Sets.Andrzej Mostowski - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (1):45-46.
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    Boolesche Ringe Mit Geordneter Basis.Andrzej Mostowski & Alfred Tarski - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):124-125.
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    (1 other version)Concerning a problem of H. Scholz.Andrzej Mostowski - 1956 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 2 (10‐15):210-214.
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    Neo-kantianism and Neo-hegelianism. Comments on Neo-philosophy.Andrzej J. Noras - 2017 - Ruch Filozoficzny 72 (4):55.
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    Natural deduction system for tense logics.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 1994 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 23 (4):173-179.
  44.  61
    A conjunction in closure spaces.Andrzej W. Jankowski - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (4):341 - 351.
    This paper is closely related to investigations of abstract properties of basic logical notions expressible in terms of closure spaces as they were begun by A. Tarski (see [6]). We shall prove many properties of -conjunctive closure spaces (X is -conjunctive provided that for every two elements of X their conjunction in X exists). For example we prove the following theorems:1. For every closed and proper subset of an -conjunctive closure space its interior is empty (i.e. it is a boundary (...)
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  45. Integracja wiekowa.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2018 - In Adam Zych, Encyklopedia Starości, Starzenia Siȩ I Niepełnosprawności. Thesaurus Silesiae. pp. 71--73.
    Integracja wiekowa - termin stosowany w gerontologii społecznej w przynajmniej dwóch znaczeniach. W ujȩciu w¸a}skim - przyjȩtym głównie w literaturze anglojȩzycznej - integracja wiekowa odnosi siȩ do takiej struktury ról społecznych w różnorodnych instytucjach, która umożliwia istnienie różnic, ale nie s¸a} one zależne ściśle od struktury wieku, tj. tego czy ktoś jest osob¸a} młod¸a}, w wieku środkowym, czy też w wieku starszym. Chodzi tutaj w szczególności o instytucje edukacyjne, ekonomiczne, polityczne, religijne i czasu wolnego w których osoby z odmiennych grup (...)
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    P-hierarchy on β ω.Andrzej Starosolski - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1202-1214.
    We classify ultrafilters on ω with respect to sequential contours (see [4].[5]) of different ranks. In this way we obtain an ω1 sequence {Pα}1≤α≤ω1 of disjoint classes. We prove that non-emptiness of Pα for successor α ≥ 2 is equivalent to the existence of P-point. We investigate relations between P-hierarchy and ordinal ultrafilters (introduced by J. E. Baumgartner in [1]), we prove that it is relatively consistent with ZFC that the successor classes (for α ≥ 2) of P-hierarchy and ordinal (...)
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  47. Generational Differences, Generations of Western Society, Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2014 - In Sherwood Thompson, The Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 348--352.
    Generational differences in societies are characteristics generally attributed to people’s age that constitute a sociocultural phenomenon. Divisions in the generations differ across nations and extend even to civilizations. Perception and recognition of the different characteristics of each generation affect the cooperation between people in social, political, and economic capacities, and subsequently extend to entities in the public, informal, commercial, and nongovernmental sectors. From the perspective of social justice, it is important to draw attention to how workplace management techniques are used (...)
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  48. Creative Ageing Policy in Regional Development.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2012 - In Štefan Hittmár, Regional Management. Theory, Practice and Development. Edis, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Žilina. pp. 100--104.
    The shaping of creative economy is particularly important for development of cities and regions. This process can be analyzed in conjunction with changes in work and leisure time and their place in the human life cycle. This article aims to approximate the main features of: contemporary position of elderly people, creative ageing policy, benefits from seniors creativity and controversies linked to this concept. This essay also indicates the patterns of recommendations and activities in development of services for older people which (...)
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  49. Generacja sandwicz.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2018 - In Adam Zych, Encyklopedia Starości, Starzenia Siȩ I Niepełnosprawności. Thesaurus Silesiae. pp. 485--487.
    Generacja sandwicz - grupa osób w wieku średnim, która ze wzglȩdu na swoj¸a} centraln¸a} pozycjȩ w strukturze wieku i w zwi¸a}zanej z ni¸a} stratyfikacji wiekowej stanowi generacjȩ, które jednocześnie opiekuje siȩ osobami starszymi i osobami młodszymi. Zjawisko to określane jest też jako "kobiety w środku" lub "złapani w środku". Koncepcja "generacji sandwicz" w w¸a}skim ujȩciu odnoszona jest przeważnie do tradycyjnie postrzeganych ról opiekuńczych kobiet, które s¸a} w wieku środkowym, a zarazem na przedpolu starości. W ujȩciu feministycznym społeczne oczekiwania wobec kobiet (...)
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  50. Hipoteza Sapira-Whorfa - przegl¸ad argumentów zwolenników i przeciwników.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja 1:165--182.
    Współcześnie rośnie znaczenie badań interdyscyplinarnych oraz z zakresu zróżnicowania kulturowego, wielokulturowości i współpracy międzykulturowej. Istotne jest także uwzględnianie globalnych procesów zmian związanych z upowszechnianiem cyfrowych technologii informatycznych i telekomunikacyjnych. Jedną z teorii mających podstawowe znaczenie w tym obszarze badań jest koncepcja autorstwa E. Sapira i B.L. Whorfa. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie aktualności sporu naukowego dotyczącego poglądów tych autorów na relacje pomiędzy językiem a poznaniem. Opracowanie opiera się na krytycznej analizie literatury przedmiotu. W podsumowaniu wskazane zostały główne wnioski i rekomendacje co (...)
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